Maat: The Egyptian Code of Cardinal Virtues as translated by Theophile Obenga

Listen Siblings, I come in peace,

“Two tendencies govern human choice and effort, the search after quantity and the search after quality. They classify mankind. Some follow Maat, others seek the way of animal instinct.” — KMT Proverb

In the world of sales, I labour to provide for our people quality. Our people scorn quality. Our people are made to think that quantity, the way of animal instinct, is better than quality, the way of Maat. We do not eat quality food, we do not wear quality clothes, we do not live in quality homes, we do not live quality lives because we do not share quality knowledge. A quality Philosopher like myself is worth no more to most of us than the quantity rabblerousers we are dealt. Sooner do we promote Jay-Z or Lil Wayne than the promulgator of Truth and Law/Justice Onitaset Kumat. How often have you promoted Onitaset Kumat? How often have you provided for this servant of your interests?

The following excerpts are from Chapter 125 of “The Book of the Dead” (also called “The Book of Coming Forth by Day”) as written during the New Kingdom on the Papyrus of Nu; as translated by Theophile Obenga. Obenga doesn’t explain who the Two Maat Goddesses are but context suggests “Truth and Justice” [Dr. Ben corrects us by writing “Truth an Law” which has intelligent implications as we see here.] I’ll footnote the excerpts to share additional information.

The scene portrayed is within the Hall of “Truth and Justice” where the speaker requests eternal life for perfect innocence: blamelessness. Our ancestors were assured eternal life by living blamelessly; always just. I am blameless and I teach blamelessness. Are you blameless? Do you teach blamelessness? Have you showed your graciousness to the ABS?

African Blood Siblings Community Centers, like this Papyrus of Nu, are temples of Blamelessness. Read the following excerpts, then step up for our people. I challenge you to lead a quality life. Take the challenge.  Write the ABS for information on helping to build an African Blood Siblings Community Center.  Subscribe, share, love.

Maat: The Egyptian Code of Cardinal Virtues
As translated by Theophile Obenga

Words spoken by N.:
Hail to you, great god, lord of the two Maat goddesses,[1]
I have come to you, my lord, having been brought to see your beauty.
I know you, and I know your name;
I know the names of these forty-two deities[2]
who are with you in this hall of the two Maat goddesses,
who live by monitoring sins
and drink of sinners’ blood
on the judgment day of virtues before the Beautiful One.
Look, “He of the two daughters, the two beloved sisters,
lord of the two Maat goddesses” — that is your name.
See, I have come to you, and brought you what is just;[3]
For your sake I have cast off evil.
I have done no one evil;
I have not mistreated people.
I have committed no crimes in the Place of Truth.
I have not known what is forbidden; I have done no evil.
I have not begun any day by collecting bribes from workers under my charge;
my name has not been reported to a foreman of servants.
I have deprived no craftsman of his property;
I have not done what is abominable to the gods;
I have caused no weeping; I have not killed,
I have given no order to kill, I have caused no one pain.
I have not taken a cut from food offerings in the temples;
I have not blasphemed against the primordial deities;
I have not stolen the cake offerings of the blessed;
I have not copulated with a man; I have not fornicated.[4]
I have not given half-measure with the bushel
nor shortened the measuring rod when surveying land;
I have not cheated in laying out plots of land;
I have biased no scales
nor skewed the needle on the balance.

I have not taken milk from the mouth of babe;
nor deprived nursling livestock of their fodder.
I have trapped no birds in the reed marshes of the gods,
nor caught fish in their ponds.
I have not retained water when it was time for it to flow,
nor have I dammed up running water.
I have not quenched fire burning bright;
I have not failed to offer meat on sacrificial days.
I have not stolen livestock earmarked for the holy feast.
I have not obstructed a god coming out in procession.
I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure.[5]
My purity is that of the great phoenix of Heracleopolis,
For I am the very nose of the Lord of Breaths
who gives life to all people on this day of the Filling of the Eye in Heliopolis,
the last day of the second month of winter, in the presence of the lord of this land,
and I am one who has seen the Filling of the Eye in Heliopolis.
No evil shall befall me in this land, in this hall of the two Maat sisters,
Because I know the names of the deities present there.
Hail to you, you gods, present in the hall of the two Maat sisters:
I know you; I know your names.
I shall not fall under your blows;
You will not condemn me before this god who leads you;
You shall not arraign me before him.
You will justify me before the lord of the universe,
because I have practiced justice in Egypt.
I have not blasphemed against god,
and by the grace of the reigning king, I have not been reported to the assessors.
Hail to you who are in this hall of the two Maat sisters,
innocent of lies by their nature,
you who live on justice and feast on truth
before Horus in his disk
Save me from Baba, consumer of the guts of the great,
on this day of the great accounting of sins.
Here I am; I come to you
sinless, blameless, innocent of meanness,
accused by none, having made none suffer.
I live on justice, I feast on truth.
My deeds have made men talk and deities rejoice.
I have pleased the god with what he loves.
I have given bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty,
clothes to the naked, a boat to the boatless.
I have served up divine offerings for the gods,
and given funeral offerings for the blessed.
Save me, therefore, protect me. Do not condemn me before [the great god]!
For I am one whose mouth is clean, whose hands are clean;
One who is invited to come in peace
by those who see him.


[1] The Lord of Two Maat Goddesses is Osiris, ruler of the Kingdom of the blessed. The Two Maat Goddesses appear to be Truth and Law (Dr. Ben) [or Justice (Dr. Obenga).]
[2] The forty-two deities represent the forty-two nomes (city-states) of KMT (Egypt.)
[3] “Just,” like “Evil,” and other moral statements are mostly objective. See “The Law of Morality” written by Onitaset Kumat for proof.
[4] This is an ancient admonition against Homosexuality. Dr. Umar A Johnson has an excellent contemporary admonition. See here.
[5] The series on race does an excellent job in discussing “Corruption” which is the antithesis of “Purity.” It’s a very worthwhile reading. See here.

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