Ancient African Love Poem

Listen Siblings, I come in peace,

“Love shall come to complete you; first know then be yourself.”Onitaset Kumat in Fable: Knobeco and Love

On the streets, I asked a woman, “What institutions do we have to propagate self-love?” As most of our people would answer, she opined that self-love is an individual’s responsibility. This reflects the foreign mindset imposed upon us to weaken our resolve for community and replace our memory of Originalism. Hence why we organize.

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Today we discuss “Love” by showcasing an ancient love poem from the 18th Dynasty of KMT. It’s a wonderful expression of the impressions a man gets from the woman he loves. She may be flawed–we can’t tell–but her description makes her seem like she’s ‘more perfect than the world.’

Without organizing and building Prosperous, Independent African Communities, we can not expect this sort of love. That’s putting ‘the cart before the horse.’ We need institutions for knowing ourselves, we need outlets for being ourselves, and then we’ll have the capacity to complete ourselves in loving unions (Knobeco–“Know, Be, Complete Thyself”). But now we must organize.

Below I want you to read of this ancient ‘love.’ But when you’re finished, I want you to commit to the African Blood Siblings. You can think this poem or be the recipient of this poem, when we Maroon and Build For Self. Support the African Blood Siblings and Subscribe others.  Write to help build African Blood Siblings Community Centers and download and distribute our flyer.  Read more insightful poetry in “Maroon and Build For Self.”  Subscribe, share, love.



One, the lady love without a duplicate,
more perfect than the world,
see, she is like the star rising
at the start of an auspicious year.

She whose excellence shines, whose body glistens,
glorious her eyes when she stares,
sweet her lips when she converses,
she says not a word too much.

High her neck and glistening her nipples,
of true lapis her hair,
her arms finer than gold,
her fingers like lotus flowers unfolding.

Her buttocks droop when her waist is girt,
her legs reveal her perfection;
her steps are pleasing when she walks the earth,
she takes my heart in her embrace.

She turns the head of every man,
all captivated at the sight of her;
everyone who embraces her rejoices,
for he has become the most successful of lovers.

When she comes forth, anyone can see
that there is none like that One.

*I am relying on Runoko Rashidi for this title. He adds below: “The above poem is the first stanza of an ancient love poem from the XVIIIth Dynasty of Kmt (Egypt of the Pharaohs).” He also dedicates this poem to the African woman, the Queen of the Universe.  With Prosperous, Independent African Communities, all men can.

8 thoughts on “Ancient African Love Poem

    1. Thank you Brother!

      You’re the very first person to promise that you’ll remember and actually remember!

      Keep in contact–you’re commitment to our people will raise us to our due heights!

  1. Onitaset,

    That’s beautiful…Have you read this?
    I dream of a world where I, a black woman, can walk into any store I wish and not be followed around like a suspect in a murder mystery movie.

    I dream of a world where a black man can drive any car he chooses and not be pulled over by a racist police officer who suspects him of stealing his own vehicle.

    I dream of a world where a dark-skinned woman is the epitome of beauty, grace and womanhood.

    I dream of a world where you can watch television and see our people being portrayed as normal, ordinary, decent people instead of the boss who has no real authority, the welfare queen (thanks President Reagan), a thug waiting to get shot and a drug dealer who pimps his own kind.

    I dream of a world where the President of the United States gets the respect of any ordinary white man off the street.

    I dream of a world where I get proper education from any community college.

    I dream of a world where my education will guarantee me a decent paying job.

    I dream of a world where my professors will treat me like any random white student instead of ignoring me because she thinks I can’t learn.

    I dream of a world where I can live in any neighborhood I wish and have the value of my house appreciate because I am there.

    I dream of a world where I can walk my dog in my own neighborhood and not be harassed because I don’t belong there.

    I dream of a world where I am not mistaken for a random black person, in Texas, who shot some random white man in the year 1988.

    I dream of a world where my clothing is not a death sentence or an invitation to be raped.

    I dream of a world where my doctor will try hard to save my life just like any white man off the street.

    I dream of a world where I shouldn’t have to explain to a white person why they can’t say the word ” Nigger ” to my face… or behind closed doors for that matter.

    I dream of world where my money is just as good as any white man’s money.

    I dream of a world where that little boat trip that took place over 400 years ago never happened.

    1. It’s very nice but we have to be cautious on how we dream. Marimba Ani’s study named “Yurugu” properly poses the question on whether our outlook were warped by Europeans; or better stated, whether we think in an Africanized mindset or a Europeanized mindset.

      I’ve put notes on the online lecture here:

      Either way, we need to question why our dreams include White people and interacting dependently on White people. For instance, a Black-owned store doesn’t treat you like a criminal. In the writer’s dream, she enters a White-owned store. Why dream in that manner? Or for instance, in walking her dog in a neighborhood and being harassed, she clearly walks in a White neighborhood. Why doesn’t she dream of walking in a Black neighborhood.

      But more importantly, she attaches the same humanity of African people onto European people, though historically this is inappropriate. When she writes: “I dream of world where my money is just as good as any white man’s money.” or even “I dream of a world where my doctor will try hard to save my life just like any white man off the street.” she ignores that White people themselves are tribalistic against one another. So to speak, in history, a French merchant would disregard a German’s money, or a British doctor would not aid an injured Frenchman. In other words, whereas “White Americans” seem to conspire against African people, it’s truly the case that Europeans conspire against everyone. So why dream of a world where they do not?

      In my view, when we learn the nature of Europeans, and how in their best behavior they are cruel to other people (including themselves but especially us,) I’d promote separation, not integration. For they do not have the same humanity as us. They are ethically different. And it’s a shame that many of us, after over four-hundred years, or four-thousand years, knowing them, don’t see this fact.

      More can be seen here:

      Of course, thanks for sharing.

Please ask any questions that come to mind