“The History of Dreadlocks” by Bouneith Inejnema Naba

Listen Siblings, I come in peace,

“Dreadlocks have been a part of the history of every spiritual system.” — Bouneith Inejnema Naba

As in the previous post, I would welcome corrections, but won’t correct. The interest here relates to “Dreadlocks” as a statement on spirituality.  Moreso, it should be worth acknowledging how “ethical commandments” are a habit of African civilizations, but not European civilizations (The Bible, for instance, is foreign to Europe; plus, Socrates, who encouraged ethics amongst the Greeks, was killed for promoting foreign ideas); this difference aids a true historical analysis.  Write to help build African Blood Siblings Community Centers.  Subscribe, share, love.

The History of Dreadlocks

Bouneith Inejnema Naba

Many times I have heard friends admit to me that, because they have dreadlocks, they have been approached in the street by someone who wanted to sell them marijuana. The sellers approached these individuals solely because they had dreadlocked hair; none of the individuals used drugs or associated with those who do use. Dreadlocks have become so much associated with Rastafarian culture, which is, in turn, associated with smoking ganga, that few people know the real roots and history of dreadlocked hair. What are the traditional origins and meanings of dreadlocks?

New-generation Rastafarians will tell you that the culture of locked hair came, originally, from Africa , but any knowledge beyond the continent that locks came from is unknown. Where old-generation Rastafarians hold great pride in their natural hair and see it as a symbol of their fight against Babylon, non-violence, non-conformity, communalism and solidarity, and as a heavy spiritual statement, many new-generation Rastas see their dreads as a passport to smoking ganga and listening to Reggae music, not understanding the real Rastafarian culture and values. Where Rastafarians once shunned everything from Babylon , such as soda, alcohol and cigarettes, modern Rastas are often seen smoking, wearing designer clothing, eating meat and drinking beer. Wearing your hair ÒnaturallyÓ has become more of a status symbol than a spiritual decision, and people begin locking their hair so that they are seen as conscious, afrocentric, or different, rather than for honest spiritual and conscious reasons.

Dreadlocks have been a part of the history of every spiritual system. From Christianity to Hinduism, locked hair has been been a symbol of a highly spiritual person who is trying to come closer to God(s). If one is to research the spiritual history and meaning of locks, they will be mentioned in all holy books (the biblical Sampson wore his hair in dreadlocks, and his unsurpassed strength was lost when Delilah cut off his seven locks of hair) and cultures. DreadlockÕs roots are commonly traced back to Hinduism and the God Shiva, but stops there. Meanwhile, most people recognize that dreadlocks have their origin in Africa , but nobody seems to know where, how or why! As with everything else, the true origins of dreadlocks can be found in Kemet ( Africa ).

ÒOriginally, dreadlocks were the mark of spiritual status,Ó Dogon Priest and Kemetic Spiritual Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig of The Earth Center explained in an interview. ÒPriests of diverse Deities were required, at least for a specific period of time, to have dreadlocks. For example, priests of Deities that are involved in the healing of the body and with procreation, such as Wsr, Heru, Theouris and Sekhmet, are required to have dreadlocks. There is a period of seven to thirteen years that a priest of these Deities must let their hair grow freely and devote themselves completely to the Deity. During this time, the priest has a role of responsibility towards the God and the temple. After that time period, if they want to cut their hair, a ceremony is done and they can remove their locks if they choose. Interest-ingly, for other Deities, like Aishat, one must shave every hair on their body when serving that God or Goddess. It depends on which God and temple is being served.Ó

What is it about hair that is so important for priests and temples? ÒIt is a notion of purity. Hairs are huge emitters and receptors. When one is in an area, such as a temple, where the flow of energy must be tightly controlled, hair becomes either very helpful or very disturbant, depending on the energetic needs,Ó Master Naba explained. ÒEven when a hair falls off of the body, it does not lose its qualities, and it can become a big disturbance to the flow of energy.Ó Even animals that are sacrificed are checked thoroughly for a specific type of fur. It is not every ram or cow that can be used in a ceremony – it is only a priest who can safely determine whether an animal is fit for sacrifice, and it is a heavy responsibility to do so. The untrained eye will think that any animal will do, but if there is one piece of the wrong kind of fur on an animal, it cannot be used!

It is known that many Pharaohs had locked hair, and on TutankhamenÕs mummy, dreadlocks can still be found intact. How did dreadlocks become such a symbol of Rastafarian belief and culture rather than of African spirituality? Master Naba offered his knowledge: ÒDreadlocks in spirituality has a very high value. During pre-colonial Africa, healers and priests in many parts of the continent carried dreadlocks, and every religion that has come has adopted the idea of either having dreadlocks or shaving all hair on the body. In the Bible, it states that those who donÕt shave, drink alcohol or eat meat are the closest to God; Jesus himself is shown with long hair! In Islam, shaving is seen as a value of cleanliness. To associate dreadlocks with only Rastafarianism is unfair. But, in the history of Black people, Rastafarianism became a politico-spiritual movement after the prophesy of Marcus Garvey surfaced. It gave Black people a spirit of hope, and the Rastafarian then adopted the attitudes of African priests: they kept their hair like a priest, did not eat red meat, drink alcohol, use drugs or smoke cigarettes. They decided to stay spiritually hopeful, and the dreadlocks represented, instead of a priest serving a temple for seven years, a period of time spent waiting for something to happen.Ó

Dreadlocks carry a very heavy spiritual meaning that is virtually unknown in todayÕs modern society. Now worn as a fashion statement, a political message, or as a rebellion, many people, young and old alike, have no idea what dreadlocks mean spiritually, and they do not know the position they are putting themselves in by having locked hair. ÒDreadlocks carry the notion of devotion and sacrifice to the Deities, according to the spiritual rules,Ó says Master Naba, the only Dogon/Kemetic priest who has been commis-sioned by the committee of elders in Africa to bring initiatic knowledge outside of trad-itional initiation camps. ÒDread-locks carry a very heavy spiritual bur-den. It is only people that have conscious-ly decided to take a vow of purity and to follow all of the seventy-seven commandments and apply them to all aspects of their lives that should wear dreadlocks. People of any race or gender can wear them, because spirit-ually we are the same, but the one who has dreadlocks must understand the spiritual meaning behind them if they do not want to face negative consequences.

The History of Dreadlocks Part 2

by Bouneith Inejnema Naba

Consequences for wearing dreadlocks? But most people in the modern societies have no clue, other than their own personal imaginations and definitions, what having dreadlocks means! According to the Kemetic initiation, the oldest and most authentic spiritual system mankind has ever known, one must devote themselves to purity and follow the seventy-seven commandments at all times. This is a heavy responsibility! The seventy-seven commandments are spiritual laws given to humanity from the Gods so that we can create the world that we want to see and come close to their world. They include not getting angry, not gossiping, and not hurting another being, human or non-human. How many of those in the modern societies who have locked hair do not eat meat? How many people with locks do not talk about people behind their backs, gossip, and have hot tempers? How many dreads out there can honestly say that they follow the seventy-seven commandments? Very few!

ÒHaving dreadlocks helps a person spiritually,Ó continues Master Naba, Òbecause it causes the Gods to notice them. They are a physical proof that the person has vowed to follow the seventy-seven commandments (regard-less whether the person knows of or follows the commandments, merely having dreads means they have vowed to follow them at all costs!), and all of the Gods will be more comfortable with that person because they have taken this vow. This helps the person in every way: with their spiritual growth, the development of their senses, their communication with the ancestors…but on the other side, if one breaks a commandment, there are heavier penalties to be paid. Having dreadlocks literally calls on every God that guarantees the seventy-seven command-ments to take a serious look into their life. So, when they break a commandment, it has a huge consequence on their life. They will quickly fall into destruction and self-destruction, and they will suffer much more after death. One does not have to take this vow of purity and of following the commandments, but when one hasdreadlocks, he or she takes that vow, and the retaliation of the Gods is very heavy when a commandment is broken. A person who does not have dreadlocks and tells a lie will be punished much, much less than a person who has dreadlocks and tells the same lie.Ó

Most people in todayÕs modern societies have not even heard of the seventy-seven commandments, much less follow them. Even students on the journey of initiation are not able to follow all of the commandments all of the time… this puts everyone who has not reached a certain level of purity and spirituality at a huge risk if they have locked hair. Lying, gossiping, talking too much, cheating, stealing, killing animals, insects, or other living beings… all of these things are against the commandments, and it is generally safe to say that, in the modern world, it is a very rare person who is able to follow the commandments at all times. Perhaps this is why, traditionally, dreadlocked hair was reserved for priests and keepers of the temple, rather than for students, farmers and common people who have not reached the level of spirituality that locks demand.

Dreadlocks are not a fashion statement. They are not a political statement against the government or system, and they are not a symbol of vices and pleasures, such as smoking ganga! Dreadlocks are a very serious spiritual commitment that cannot be taken lightly. Perhaps the consequences of breaking even just a few commandments will not be seen in this life, but the sins will be severely punished in the afterlife. One who wears dreadlocks must understand their vow and live up to it, for their own protection.

Source: http://onepeoples.com/current/historyofdreads.html

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12 thoughts on ““The History of Dreadlocks” by Bouneith Inejnema Naba

  1. Very interesting article. I am going to pass it on to my dreadlock wearing relatives, colleagues and friends. I happened to catch one of my colleagues on television at a town meeting. She and her husband have always wore dreadlocks. I had just read this article. What timing.

    1. I know what you mean about timing.

      I considered typing a proverb to you, then changed my mind. But, because I can see what people search to see my website, I found one particular search that reminded me of my recent research into the Dogon people and the followers of Ptah. It turns out, the searches reflect this. So of course timing works for even me.

      So, here’s the proverb:

      “When the pupil is ready the teacher will appear.”

      Just always be ready, Dallas Newton, and all of the wisdom you want will be your own.


  2. I’ve seen hair in whats called ‘sisterlocks’ on women and it looks fashionable and helps the hair to grow down the back when they could NEVER do it before. I think many do it just for the length of hair.

    1. I heard them hailed as “Sister Dreads” and I was informed that the procedure was costly. Though, as long as Africans are patronizing Africans, for something of our own culture, it’s an institution to support. It’s interesting to learn that besides looking beautiful, it lengthens the hair.

      Here’s another video that I just showed my younger relative that features a lot of natural hairstyles. Though, I learned that a curse word was within the music. Perhaps, we Africans should make all of our work child-friendly:

      My book has a few pages devoted to our beauty* and our history (see Buy).


      *Some would not debate whether one poem was the best they have ever read.

      1. Kandake (Warrior Queen-Mother),

        “For colored people to acquire learning in this country makes tyrants quake and tremble on their sandy foundation.” — David Walker

        I believe that this is the official video:

        I don’t like it as much.

  3. Oh and yes: if what you are saying about locks are true, then the original Zipporah & her father Jethro locked their hair: Exodus 18: 17-24

    1. Certain priests of Kemet locked their hair. I have not studied Exodus, but I looked at Exodus 18: 17-24 and did not see a reference to hair. It seems to be when Jethro consuls Moses on whom to remove from Kemet. Is that the reference you meant to make?

      As to our tradition of hair, I want to eventually put this video on my site:

      Besides, there is this link:


      Hotep, Zipporah

  4. Many Hebrew prophets in the bible wore locs and got angry and ate meat and were considered by the Most High to be righteous so I have no idea what you’re talking about. John yelled at people declaring them children of snakes. Samson killed thousands. Even the Messiah ate Passover and whipped people with a whip in the temple. All that Kemitic nonsense is the reason black folk stay confused. Stay away from teachings of demons so that you can be a holy people.

    1. Peace,

      The Bible is not an authentic spiritual text; instead it is a text based around other texts yet written and rewritten by people from a violent society. The Kemetic texts were many of those texts for which the Bible were based; yet it has the benefit of coming more directly from African people. I would not use the Bible to dismiss Kemet.

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